Lesson Plan #8

Review, Low/High and High/Low Combinations, Knee bounces, and Martial Arts Fitness Workout #2



P: The students will be able to perform knee bounces for 30 seconds without stopping and with proper technique.

A: The students will be able to write if they feel their cardiovascular endurance has improved over the first 7 lessons to now with workout #1 and moving into workout #2.

C:The students will be able to list two high/low or low/high combinations.

Equipment: DVD player, mat area for floor work

Lesson Activities:

Warm-up: (3-5 minutes) jog a lap, 20 jumping jacks, 15 sec. high knees, 15 sec. butt kicks, 10 arm circles forward, 10 arm circles back, 10 alternating arm circles (challenge). This can vary for ability levels per teacher preference.

A. Review of Lesson #1 and #7

  1. On teacher command review:
    • Lead straight up knee, switch straight up knee
    • Lead snap kick, rear snap kick
    • Knee blitz, snap kick blitz
    • Lead foot jab, rear foot jab, switch foot jab, pendulum foot jab.
  2. Students move on own using all techniques just reviewed by teacher (in lines).

B. Knee bounces – cues: light bounce on posted foot, lift knees high, hands up. (refer to instructional video)

  1. Have students bounce on one foot with opposite foot lifted slightly off ground.

  2. Have students start to lift their knee up as high as possible while maintaining a slight bouncing motion on opposite foot

  3. On teacher command, students will do sets of 3’s, 2’s, and 1’s while alternating sides.

  4. Hands should remain up by head at all times.

C. High/Low and Low/High Combinations – cues: Hands up, fully extend upper and lower body motions, exhale on all strikes.

  1. Teacher will lead each combination 5 times or until students recognize each sequence
    1. Lead hand jab – rear snap kick
    2. Lead snap kick – rear hand cross
    3. Straight up rear knee – lead hook- rear hook
    4. Switch knee – rear hook – lead hook

D. Martial Arts Fitness Workout #2 – cues: Good martial arts stance, full extension on leg strikes, exhale on strikes. (Refer to “Martial Arts Fitness” workout #1 audio/video).

  1. Prepare audio set up.

  2. Fitness workout #2 cues:
    • Students will perform motions at a 50% to 75% personal speed
    • Focus on their individual technique
    • Maintain an appropriate martial arts “L” stance
    • Knees slightly bent
    • Full range of motion on techniques
    • Exhaling on techniques.
  3. 3. Students should remain standing tall during rest times. Avoid sitting down or leaning forward with their hands on their knees.

Push up challenge:

Students will do two minutes of push-ups to the best of their ability, Students sit up to knees and rest between each personal set of push-ups, students are recommended to keep knees of ground while completing push-ups (Students may use knee down push-ups if teacher feels necessary) teacher will record total on “Martial Arts Fitness” push up chart. Knee down push-ups need to be noted when necessary.

Ab Routine #2: (3-5 minutes)

  1. 25 crunches

  2. 10 alternating ankle picks each side(20 total)

  3. 3 leg scissors sets(15 sec active, 10 sec rest)

  4. 30 second front plank (10 second rest)

  5. 20 sec side plank left and right. (10 second rest between sides)

Stretching/Cool Down:

  1. butterfly/triceps stretch (groin, shoulder, triceps)

  2. hurdle (hamstring)

  3. leg over (hip/back)

  4. shrimp (hip/back)…hold stretches for at least 10-15 seconds.


The students will get into groups of three and discuss what part of the lesson was the most difficult for them. After discussion they will give the teacher one of their examples.